The thought of changing things around me has crossed my mind more than once in the last few months. Of course i am comfortable in my own skin, pleasantly surprising myself each time i enjoy the hum-drum affairs of life. Trudging with the routine has made me want to desperately look outside, even so for things that i dont need to. Anything new attracts me - like a wasp attracted to blood. My mind has automated itself to give me extreme solutions to even the minutest problems (which ideally should be ignored). Every problem doesn't need a solution immediately. It solves itself most of the times. But i need some change. Something drastic that shakes me up. Something that challenges my morals, ideals & principles. Something that tests my ability to adapt and consolidates higher confidence in me that i can overcome my current inertial state. And thats where my program sets into an infinte loop. I eventually figured out that change is not a transferrable entity. Its not something that i can apply somewhere else and expect results elsewhere. Changing my friends wont help me lose weight. But working out will. Hitting the right chord is very essential when you try to extract a conclusion from this thought-trail. Bang on the target and voila!. Everything looks different. I need to run a mile and cross this milestone. I need to make my present history. I need to move on. And when i set these goals, i need to learn how to do these first.
Who says it easy to accept defeat ? not all of us have a controlled flow of thoughts. I definitely dont possess that mechanism. Its imperative that u stop ur mind consciously from spitting negative thoughts. the damage that negativity does to you cannot be fathomed. it burns ur confidence. It feeds off ur inner-strength & almost dims out the fire in you. It needs to be controlled. For some people its really hard tp accept that they can ever fail. And it gets worse when they cant move on ahead from that incident. It gets really difficult to focus on currently active issues when the previous debacle has left such a deep print. They need answers to questions that arise from the rejection. Reasons. Explanations. And embracing the fact that it could be a play of fate. the mind does have all the information. but processing it at the right time your choice. The one thing that controls your mind. Your Conscience. I cannot stress enough on the fact that the more you converse with yourself, the stronger your conscience gets. You can overpower your mind in such delicate situations, where your thoughts play a major role in your following weeks performance.
Firstly theres accepting the fact that you have lost this time. You have silence your anger. You can only talk once you swallow the lump in your throat. Then you move ahead to distraction. Doing other things you like to. things you enjoy. Within a few days after your mind-state calms down, pick the incident in your head. Find solutions & check their relevance. In a week or so, your ambition should be brand new, with higher goals and renewed self-confidence.
At times being too hard on yourself is not the right approach for extracting best results. Let situations do that to you. I know one thing for sure -
Don't let circumstances force you to learn what you were dead against from the start. if life were a movie, that particular incident was just a frame.
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